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You’ve Got a Friend In Me

By Samara on July 20, 2016

Unfortunately, one of our females on the River Bend Mob disappeared recently and as a result left behind her 5 month old infant. This could spell disaster for one so young but thankfully the little one has a big sister to look after her. We have been very happy to see Fina step up to the plate and care for her little brother. As we are deep in Winter now infants are still heavily reliant on their mothers for social interactions such as grooming and to huddle to help survive the cold winter nights.

Luckily for the infant her big sister is able and willing to provide much of this care. She spends time with him keeping him company, making sure he keeps up with the group, grooming him and huddling with him at night. So far it looks like this infant will do just fine despite losing his mother at such a young age. The bond between siblings will carry him through.

Until next time,

Rose and the Verveteers

Fina grooming her younger brother
Fina grooming her younger brother

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