Seldom seen and often under-appreciated, these courageous men and women fight daily for the survival of the planet’s last remaining rhinos, elephants and pangolins.
It’s no secret that COVID-19 and the lockdown have placed greater strain on conservation than ever before. As the funding model of parks reliant on tourism has been upended, the threat of poaching, deforestation and illegal fishing has sky-rocketed.
In this context, the work of rangers has never been more vital, and Samara’s anti-poaching unit is no exception. As a purpose-driven business, every tourism dollar spent at Samara is reinvested into our conservation projects, but the ongoing closure of tourism has stopped this funding in its tracks.
If you can, please consider supporting our brave team on the ground by donating to the Samara Foundation here. Any amount, no matter the size, is gratefully received and goes directly towards our projects.