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Vuyani Christmas Party 2013

By Samara on December 10, 2013


The volunteers awaited the arrival of the VIP guests for the Vuyani Christmas party with great anticipation. The VIP’s where, naturally, the children of Vuyani! Streaming out of the various cars and busses the kids came excited and happy to be treated to the yearly Christmas adventure on Samara.


Treats and toys were set out to keep them happy and playing with the help of the volunteers and caretakers of Vuyani. Everyone had a ball and the small pool was a great source of fun for the younger ones.


Santa Clause also made an appearance! The kids each received a gift and some got to have their photos taken on Santa’s lap. We were all in great spirits and the children thoroughly enjoyed opening their gifts!


The nearby dam was a source of amusement to both young and old, and ended in a mud fight! Some of the reserve staff, and the kids where completely covered in mud…The cleaning process was interesting too, with everyone being hosed down! Luckily some of the donated clothes where at hand for the kids to change into.


A great many thanks go to Sarah Tompkins and the Ludgrove Mom’s, Graham Kerley and his family, Adeline Rudin, George Keller, David McNaughton, Lathallan School in Scotland, Jess Parker and many others for their generous donations. Thanks to you, the day every child should have every year, was a great success.


Also a big thank you to Riana and her staff at Vuyani, who take care of the children throughout the year. You and your team are an inspiration to everyone and make a difference and each of these children’s lives on a daily basis.


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