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Starting 2015 with a Bang!

By Samara on January 19, 2015

We have four diverse volunteers in camp to start off the year. Tom and Inge are graphic designers from the Netherlands.They travelled around Cape Town, the Route 62 and the Garden Route before arriving at Samara where they are getting into the feel of outdoor living before continuing their journey in a 4×4 through Namibia.

We have four diverse volunteers in camp to start off the year.
We have four diverse volunteers in camp to start off the year.

Brian, our South African volunteer has been living in Dubai for 6 months and lived in the UK before that and is back to experience and explore his home country.
Lucia our lady of languages is from Switzerland and before arriving she was in Rome for 3 months to improve her Italian, after Samara she will go to Australia to improve her English and then Canada to improve her French!

The four are a great team and all get on so well, some highlights of their first week have been the view from Eagle’s Rock and finding Chilli with a young wildebeest kill. They also enjoyed seeing a secretary bird hunting and a few families of the cute bat-eared foxes on various occasions.

Chilli with a young wildebeest kill
Chilli with a young wildebeest kill

We are also very proud to share that some of the erosion work we did in September has proven to work very well. The Gabion built by Swiss volunteer Hans, held fast during the heavy summer rains; silt and organic matter have accumulated up behind it and filled a deep gully, with vegetation already growing in it. This is really rewarding to see and a great testament to the valuable work carried out by our volunteers.


Gabion built by Swiss volunteer Hans
Gabion built by Swiss volunteer Hans

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